Golden Key
Posted by Zebulah in actions, compassion, failure, human race, judgments, learn, lessons, life, mahatma gandhi, manifestation, material body, potential, secret, soul, spirituality, teach, traditions, truth, truths, willingness

As Mahatma Gandhi said...
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever"
How many movies have you seen in life? How many more would you see?
Our earthly life is marked by arrival and departures. We did not chose the day we arrive here and we do not know the day we are going to be call out of here as well.
Some spiritual traditions teach that, in the moment of death the soul released from the material body remembers every single moment of the live just lived.
This is the movie of your life: Every single act big or apparently insignificant, the good deeds, the bad judgments manifested on day light or on the silence of the night, they are all shown to you.
We face our life registry; We see our virtues and our failures, with our consciousness as our own judge, we realize what we did with our gift of time.
Many traditions defined the next world as "the world of truth". Because when we can see ourselves in a panoramic vision, we can value our actions.
If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path. What we call the secret of happiness is no more a secret than our willingness to choose life. The personal life deeply lived always expands into truths beyond itself.
The movie of our lives have no premiere, and will not go to a re-editing table. We are, what we made of ourselves. There is nonetheless a tradition that teaches the existence of a second movie.
A movie where you could see what you would have become if you followed your heart, have made the right decisions if you had lived your life in full potential.
The majority of the human race only survives, living the fragility of life in day by day basis. There are many out there that silently just wait for a hand full of compassion, for the support of justice and some hope that you are not alone.