Make A Difference
Posted by Zebulah in act of kindness, kindness, life, life lessons, make a difference, metaphore, polite, realization

Approaching the boy, he asked, "What are you doing?" Then the boy replied, "Throwing a starfish into the ocean. Soon, the sun is up and the tide is going out. If I don't throw them back, they'll die."
"Son," the man said. "Don't you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can't possibly make a difference!"
After listening politely, the boy bent down then picked up another starfish. He threw it into the surf. Then smiling at the man, he said "I make a difference for that one."
A simple act of kindness can make a difference. Whoever you are and wherever you are, you can make a difference. To your family, to your friends, and even to unfamiliar faces.
Sometimes, we feel that we are insignificant like the little boy. Yet just like the little boy who picked up a starfish, this simple act of kindness made a whole lot of difference to the starfish.
When you make a little smile to another person, be it your family, friends or strangers you meet, you had made a great difference to them.
Simple little action can make a great difference to the one you care most. Saving a starfish is a metaphor of this little action.
Let's make a difference now.